is serving as an assistant professor at the department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET. He  received his B.Sc. (Mech) degree in 2011 and M.Sc. (Mech) degree in 2013 from  BUET. Being  among the fortunate few to be able to spend the undergraduate senior year in the measurement and  control laboratory as a member of the BUET Robocon Team, he has developed a keen interest on  mechatronics, robotics and control theories.  At present however, he has devoted his time in the study of thermodynamics, internal combustion engines  and the modeling of thermo-fluid power systems.  His future research interests lie in the fields of combustion, microscale/nanoscale electromechanical  research and computational sciences.  Rare occasions when not burdened with manifold academic duties and/or his own studies, he can be found  spending the time in learning new languages (verbal and programming), and/or surfing without a surfboard.  Adnan Morshed